When I was a junior recruiter one of the best interview feedback calls I took was with a senior candidate who had a framework to close out his interviews and get instant feedback. It’s something candidates know they can do, but for whatever reason just don't. I'd always advise it and you can ask questions like:
· How did I do?
· How have I compared to other candidates you’ve interviewed?
· Do you think I’m a good fit?
· Am I lacking in any areas?
· Is there anything you’d like me to go over again or clarify?
· What are the next steps and when should I expect feedback?
· If I'm selected for the next stage, what should I expect?
You get:
· Human feedback rather than an email or automated message
· Insights into their selection process and candidate pipeline
· Information on future interviews
· Areas to focus on or improve on in the rest of the process
· You also get to showcase that you ask great questions and are open to feedback and constructive criticism